Our Expertise
Program Management Office (PMO)
Standard project management processes, well understood by staff and executed consistently, help organizations complete projects successfully. Despite the history of well-documented failed and over-budget projects, it is possible to bring projects in on time and to meet their intended objectives. TCC has a demonstrated track record of leading a successful Program Management Office for large organizations.
All-Payer Claims Databases (APCDs)
APCDs are large-scale databases that systematically collect medical claims, pharmacy claims, dental claims, and eligibility and provider files from private and public payers (The Basics of All-Payer Claims Databases, RWJF). California launched its APCD effort in 2018 and released the first public reports in June 2023. TCC was part of the team that helped the then Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD), and now Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI), plan for, design, and implement the nation's largest APCD.
Large-Scale IT Project Management
With good planning, a keen understanding of the customer's needs, and properly motivated resources, almost anything is possible. TCC staff has helped customers successfully implement several large-scale IT projects for State Medicaid Agencies and large employer organizations, including decision support systems, capitation payment systems, and claim adjudication systems.
The Medicaid Information Technology Architecture (MITA), an initiative sponsored by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, provides a framework for State Medicaid Agencies to improve the administration of health care through standards, re-use, and integration with other heatlh and human service programs. TCC has extensive experience helping customers apply MITA principles to improve their business operations and better serve their members.
Health Care Analysis
Well-constructed analyses, clearly explained and presented, help organizations make good decisions. TCC has extensive experience using complex data and analytics to help customers better understand their business, evaluate alternatives, and monitor performance.
Standards Adoption
Although the rate of adoption in health care is slower than other industries, the use of standards has helped make the administration of health care more efficient and consumer-friendly. TCC has extensive experience with health care standards adoption and compliance, including X12, NCPDP, and HIPAA.
Assessments and Feasibility Studies
Often overlooked as unnecessary paperwork to satisfy a control agency, properly completed assessments and feasibility studies can provide the foundation for successul implementation of complex initiatives. Organizations should understand the resources required, potential risks, and impacted areas before undertaking major projects. TCC can helped organizations complete meaningful and useful assessments in order to get major undertakings off to a successful start.